Holding You Accountable to the Life You Deserve.

READ BEFORE ENTRY: The Accountability Dome is a virtual gym which will keep you accountable to doing the sh*t you promised yourself you would do in order to reach your health and wellness goals. No one goes "under the radar". Once you enter The Dome you will be all in. Training, Nutrition, & Internal Dialogue will be prioritized to shape the life that you deserve to live. Excuses, lack of motivation, not getting results fast enough, and every other reason you've ever given to quit won't hold up here. Make sure you're ready for real accountability and real life-changing progress before you enter! You're going to get a lot of love and support - and sometimes it might be the stuff you don't want to hear, but the stuff you need to hear.

Tired of doing it alone? Ready for a coach and team to celebrate your wins, give you a reason to show up when you can't think of one, and not let you give up on yourself? We want to see you in The Dome!
Already have movement you enjoy but haven't locked in your nutrition yet? Get REAL intentional and REAL focused on your nutrition and held accountable to your current movement of choice alongside others with similar goals inside The Dome.
What it's like to be coached by Em:
If you're looking to be held REAL accountable - this is the program for you. You'll work with me one on one in to have an ultimate level of coaching, support, and accountability creating a plan tailored 100% to you. Let's make sure this is what works best for you and chat.